2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association
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Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

The meeting was called to order by President Art Ward at 9:10am.  

There were 47 members present.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given by all followed by a prayer.

Roll call of officers present:
President Art Ward 
Vice President Ron Poness 
Secretary Ed Krieser

Absent: Treasurer Harry Hoy

Minutes of last year’s meeting was read and approved.

There could not be a report of the Audit Committee because neither the checkbook nor the finance report was available at the meeting.​

Report of the Officers and Company Reps Board.  

There were 3 proposed Bylaws changes.

1. To amend the Association Bylaws to create the positions of Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Webmaster. Motion passed with no dissent.

2. To amend the Association Bylaws to create the position of Past President who will be a non-voting member of the Officers and Company Reps Board. Motion passed with no dissent.

3. To amend the association Bylaws to limit the consecutive terms of the Office of President to two elected one year terms. Motion passed with no dissent.

There was no Old business.

New Business:

Dave Smith moved to reduce the annual dues to $5.00 per year. It was seconded and passed with no dissent.

Joe Hernandez moved for the Association to pay half of the activities fee of the next reunion for the members only. Then at that reunion we can look at the finances to determine if this can be continued. It was seconded and passed with no dissent.

Dave Smith moved that the Assistant Treasurer be an elected position. Seconded and passed with no dissent.

Stan Lucas moved to appoint Eric Shierman to Webmaster and Ron Poness to be Assistant Webmaster. Seconded and passed with no dissent.

After a brief recess floor was opened for nominations for President for the next year. Nominations were Art Ward and Frank Corriea. Voting was done by secret ballot. Art Ward was elected President.

Floor was opened for nominations for Vice President. Nominations were Dave Smith and Frank Corriea. Voting was done by secret ballot. Dave Smith was elected Vice President. 

Floor was opened for nominations for Treasurer. Nominations were Art Ferguson and Ed Krieser. Voting was done by secret ballot. Art Ferguson was elected Treasurer. Ed Krieser was asked if he would accept the position of Assistant Treasurer. He accepted.

Floor was opened for nominations for Secretary. Nomination for secretary was Mic Hughs. With no other nomination Mic was elected by acclamation.

Floor was then opened for the next reunion location. The only proposal came from Mike Greer for the Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas September 9 to 13, 2014 with a $211.00 per person activity fee. Since there were no other proposals Las Vegas was selected by acclamation.

There were several motions to adjourn. Passed with no dissent.

Respectfully submitted,
Edward J. Krieser 