August 15, 2009
Ron Poness lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Frank Correia called the meeting to order at 0930. The roll call of the officers was made.
President: Frank Correia Present
Vice President: Eddie Wyatt Present
Secretary: Carl Sorensen Present
Treasurer: Harry Hoy Present
Company Representatives stood and were recognized.
President Correia opened the meeting requesting members show the proper respect when addressing the members. He then went on to state that the Association was in very good shape financially.
Goals set by the Association at the last meeting have been completed, Carter Dedication, Anderson Dedication and Marine Corps League.
President Correia explained the process that had to occur in getting the 2009 reunion back on track after the member working on the plans was unable to continue.
Secretary read the minutes of the 2008 Association. Motion to approve seconded and passed.
President Correia started discussing the possibility of the 2010 reunion going to the Dells in Wisconsin, in support of the Ho Chunk Tribe, but no contact info was available. He then mentioned ABQ for 2010.
Point of order called by Mick Hughes suggesting discussion on reunion location is considered under new business.
The Treasurer's report was given by Harry Hoy. Harry presented costs, income and so on and stated the report would be finalized after all reunion expenses were paid and copies sent to the officers and company reps.
Ron Poness informed the membership the audit committee had met. Members of the committee brought up excellent questions. All questions were answered by the Treasure and it was the unanimous decision by the committee that there were no discrepancies and the books were in proper order.
John Davila brought up the fact that there were several items in the account that account for the balance but are earmarked for specific projects and that the secretary should post what those projects are and the amount dedicated. A motion was made and seconded that that should be done.
Old Business:
Mick Hughes gave an update on funds for flowers and a card from 2/3, reminding that it is a voluntary contribution by members. Mick stated that anyone who wishes to participate should contact him. He will send the flowers, etc and bereavement group members will split the cost each time.
Mick Hughes gave an update on the patch design that was approved at the 2008 meeting. He is still waiting for the copyright to be completed but expects it soon. Members who wish to have a patch made should contact him or George as they would order them and then divided the cost with all who ordered. They said they would be available after the meeting to take orders.
New Business:
President Correia announced that he is appointing a “fire team” to look into future reunions. J.J. Flores, Chuck Chesney and the Treasure to assist the team as he has the “practical” experience in contracts, etc.
George Schieder called for a point of order requesting this be addressed later. Bosco went on to explain again. No further discussion at this point.
Ron Poness brought up the frustrations some members have had with the message board, people getting banned from the board, postings being deleted, improper and unfortunate attacks on some members and so on.
Ron felt there are three legitimate reason a member should not be allowed to post.
1. Liability to the Association
2. Unacceptable language
3. Personal attacks
There was much discussion by many members present as to what should happen, how things should be address and so on. Milt Hoch stated that it appeared everyone was in agreement that things needed to be straightened out and made a motion that this be taken offline. Motion was seconded and passed.
Further discussion and a motion was made to appoint Ron Poness as the committee chair to look into message board procedures, pick others to work with and establish the guidelines. Motion was seconded and passed.
Mick Hughes brought up that money was earmarked for “Good Works” to assist members that could not afford to attend the reunion. He felt that was too much money to set aside. Discussion followed by members as to procedures etc. No motions were made concerning this.
Mick also stated that he felt the current dues were not necessary and that they should be reduced. Much discussion about other organizations, we didn’t need the dues money, etc. A motion was made by Paul Hudson to reduce dues. Motion seconded. After further discussion motion was defeated.
A motion was made that the Association purchase a POW/MIA flag. Motion was seconded and passed. Art Massey stated that he will purchase the flag and donate it to the Association. Art was thanked by the president and members for his generosity.
Discussion on including all 2/3 combat veterans in the association. It was pointed out that they could be associate members, but allowing them full membership is not in accordance with our current organizational structure.
A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Association purchase a standard and base for the POW/MIA flag. Passed and Treasurer was directed to make the purchase.
Discussion about members that were “blacklisted” from the message board. The membership was informed that they have been allowed access at this time.
Mick Hugs brought up a discussion concerning the newsletter. He felt it needed to be proof read by other prior to posting or mailing. President Correia directed the Secretary be directed to proof the newsletter prior to sending.
A motion was made that the Association have a search team to locate former 2/3 Vietnam Veterans. Jack Cotter would lead the search team and solicit members to assist. There may be some costs involved for specific search engines. Motion seconded and passed.
A motion was made that the association purchase a laptop to be used strictly for the Association. Seconded and passed.
J.J. Flores presented ABQ as the sight of the 2010 reunion. Costs of room were approximately $65-75. J.J. talked about a number of trips and events that were available, things to do and so on.
T.J. Croft stated he was going to suggest Fort Worth but that as J.J. had done so much work and had costs down etc he would work on Fort Worth for 2011.
Motion made, seconded and passed to have the 2010 reunion in ABQ.
Nominations were held for Association Officers. Art Ward presiding.
Harry Hoy was nominated for Treasurer. Seconded.
No other nominations received.
Art Ward made a motion that the members cast as one ballot for Harry Hoy. Seconded.
Motion passed.
Carl Sorensen was nominated for Secretary. Seconded.
No other nominations received.
Art Ward made a motion that the members cast as one ballot for Carl Sorensen. Seconded.
Motion passed.
Eddie Wyatt was nominated for Vice President. Seconded.
No other nominations were received.
Art Ward made a motion that the members cast as one ballot for Eddie Wyatt. Seconded.
Motion passed.
Frank Correia was nominated for President. Seconded
Mick Hughes was nominated for President. Seconded
No other nominations received. Art Ward made a motion that nominations cease. Seconded and passed.
A secret ballot was conducted and Frank Correia was declared duly elected President of 2/3.
Motion to adjourn, seconded, and passed.
Respectfully submitted:
Carl Sorensen