August 9, 2008
President Frank Correia called the meeting to order at 0940. The roll call of officers was made:
President: Frank Correia Present
Vice President: Art Ward Present
Secretary: Rod Radich Absent
Treasurer: Harry Hoy Present
Company representatives stood and introduced themselves. President Correia announced that the state of the Association was good and on a sound financial basis. Approximately 240 members have at one time or another paid dues. Bosco explained business-meeting protocol.
Mick Hughes was recognized. He asked for clarification of any sanctions imposed on the website Message Board. The answer given: Derogatory, obscene comments will result in members’ privileges being revoked. Alvin Simpson has been appointed to monitor future postings.
Art Ward thanked the Association for support in his role as Vice-President.
Eddie Wyatt (acting secretary) read the minutes from the 2007 reunion. Motion was made-seconded-and carried to approve the minutes.
President Correia reported on reasons for prior approval of items purchased for the association. Prior approval is needed in order to prevent multiple purchases of the same item. These items should also be voted on by the membership.
Jim Donovan recognized for point of order.
Rich Cummings gave the Audit Report . The Audit committee stood for recognition.
Treasurer Harry Hoy gave the Treasurer’s Report. Copies of the updated Treasurer’s report will be sent to Company Reps and 2/3 officers. Harry explained items in the treasurer’s report. After discussion a motion was made-seconded-carried to accept the report.
John Davila was recognized for a report on Medal of Honor recipient James Anderson Jr. a member of 2/3. He presented a proposal to purchase a guidon and base for Anderson, to be placed, if approved, at the memorial. The base would state, donated by 2/3 Vietnam Veteran's Association.
Harry Hoy reported on a donation to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. A motion was made-seconded-and carried to make the donation.
Harry Hoy presented a proposal for a memorial for the new Bruce Carter Medical Facility. The Florida Marine Corps League is commissioning a bronze plaque. A motion was made that the 2/3 Association would donate toward the plaque. The motion was seconded and carried.
President Correia explained that members would receive an offset from 2/3 for the 2009 reunion. The offset will be determined by the number attending on a sliding scale. Motion made-seconded-carried after much discussion to approve expenditure for this purpose. Several amendments and amendments to amendments were defeated.
Motion made that the election of officers would be by secret ballot. Motion seconded and carried.
Paul Desruisseaux reported on a new shirt design for next years reunion. After much discussion a motion was made-seconded-carried to refer work back to Paul for further work.
Al Walker was recognized for a proposal for the 2009 reunion to be held in Portland Oregon. Al presented details on the package. Red Lion motel will be reunion headquarters. Motion made-seconded-carried to accept.
Al reported that the Ho Chunk tribe had previously donated toward expenses for tribal members to travel to and provide entertainment for the 2004 reunion held in South Dakota. Their request was to have a reunion held in their area someday. Harry Hoy made a motion to bring this proposal before 2/3 at the 2009 reunion.
Mick Hughes recognized for a proposal to provide flowers for current and future 2/3 KIA members in Iraq and other conflicts. Motion seconded and after discussion defeated. President Bosco read the mission statement of 2/3 and explained to the membership that the 2/3 mission states; that the Association will act in the interests of 2/3 Vietnam Veterans.
Mick Hughes volunteered to chair a committee to solicit funds for flowers for current active duty 2/3 KIA’s.
President Correia explained the procedure for presenting ideas/motions before the membership.
Joe Lyons proposal to change the Association name to Vietnam Era Combat Veterans died for lack of interest.
Mick Hughes proposed to reach out to other 2/3 members who have not been reached by placing ads in military publications.
Mick also discussed contacting vendors about making and selling merchandise and adopting an official logo.
A motion was made-seconded-carried to adopt a new logo design submitted by Mick. Other 2/3 designs will continue to exist with this logo.
The floor was opened for election of 2008-09 officers. Art Ward presided.
The following were elected for 2008-09:
Pres. Frank Correia; VP Eddie Wyatt; Secretary Carl Sorenson; Treasurer Harry Hoy. Motion made-seconded-carried to adjourn at 1230.
Respectfully submitted,
Eddie Wyatt
(Acting Secretary)