2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association
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TIME: 0930

The meeting of the 2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association was called to order by President Frank “Bosco” Correia. Eddie Wyatt was appointed acting Secretary for Rod Radich who was unable to attend. The Pledge of Allegiance was made and the invocation by Eddie Wyatt followed. A moment of silence was offered for those Marines, past and present, which gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom, as well as those 2/3 members who passed away since our last reunion. New members were introduced and welcomed.

Rich Cummings, a member of the audit committee reported that the financial report was in order.

Harry Hoy, Treasurer reported the following figures for 2006-07:

Balance from last reunion------------



Balance on hand-----------------------

(Proceeds from 2007 50/50 drawing not included in this total)

A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept the treasurers’ report.

Harry Hoy gave a report on 2/3-membership status. He reported that membership had remained relatively stable.

Rich Cummings (acting 2006-07 Sec.) gave his report. (Copy to be placed in the records.) A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept his report.


President: Frank Correia - Present
Vice President: Art Ward - Present
Secretary: Rod Radich - Absent
Treasurer: Harry Hoy – Present


ECHO Jerry Melhing NP (acting Ernie Dolezilek)
FOXTROT Rich Cummings P
GOLF Butch McDonald P
HOTEL Ron Poness P
H&S James Terry P
BRAVO BATT George Scheider P

Pat Hoy was reappointed as Web Director.

It was decided that the reunions would be a team effort in the future. 


Frank Correia presented several proposals on cruises for the month of August. Discussion followed about different dates and times. Hurricane season and travel insurance were discussed in depth. 

Tybee Island, site of the 2005 reunion was placed on the table as an alternative. 

A motion was made, seconded and carried to close discussion on reunion sites. A second motion was made, seconded and carried to have the reunion in July rather than August. The majority of the membership voted for Tybee Island as the 2008 reunion site.


It was decided by a vote of acclimation that the Company Representatives would remain the same for 2008. The 2007 officers were nominated for 2008 without opposition and elected by acclimation.


First order of business was a discussion over the method of notifying members of dues. It was decided that the posting on the web and notification by company reps would be sufficient. The dues notice will also appear on the reunion agenda for 2008.

A motion was made to reimburse two 2/3 members for the purchase of a 2/3 Guidon. This purchase had not been previously voted on by the membership. The cost of the Guidon was $242.00 for the Guidon and staff. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. 

An amendment to the original amendment was made not to purchase/pay for any other item without a vote of the entire membership. The amendment passed by voice vote. The motion to reimburse the members passed by voice vote.

A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the 2007 business meeting at 1200 hours.

Respectfully submitted;
Eddie Wyatt
acting Secretary